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On-line tool: Step 3 - Employee threshold

Does the UK taxpayer's group employ fewer than 50 people?

Click the answer:     FEWER     50 OR MORE

Guidance to help you determine the answer:

Stage 3 of Step 3 is to apply the thresholds set in the EC Recommendation.  The first threshold relates to the number of employees.

Part-time employees or new-hires and departures during the year count as fractions of an employee.  Staff headcount includes owner-managers and partners, but not apprentices and certain students.

These thresholds are applied on a current year, annual basis.  This raises the practical difficulty that enterprises which experience an unexpected surge in staff numbers, close to the year-end, could be tipped into the regime for the whole year, at a stage when it may be too late to correct any transfer prices for transactions earlier in the year if they do not meet the arm’s length test. 

The 'small print'

The comments on this page and elsewhere on this website are of a general nature.  It is not practicable in a general review such as this to consider every convolution of the UK transfer pricing rules or of any other tax law that may be relevant.  Moreover, these pages naturally do not take into account the specific facts relating to any particular taxpayer.  Therefore, although the guidance in this website should give a good indication of the likely position under the transfer pricing rules, taxpayers should obtain professional advice to verify the position, or carry out their own analysis.

Neither TPS nor its affiliates and employees make any representation regarding the completeness or accuracy thereof and they accept no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred as a result of any user acting or refraining from acting upon anything contained on these pages or upon its omission therefrom.
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